Pryces of Africa

Serving with Reaching Africa's Unreached in Uganda

Compassion in Action

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But a Samaritan, as he journeyed, came to where he was, and when he saw him, he had compassion.

Luke 10:33

Do you see people? Do you see the lost? Do you see your personal responsibility in reaching those people with the Gospel of Jesus Christ? These are just a few of the questions that we are being asked this week at our churches Impact Conference ( The theme is compassion in action and we are examining the need for compassion in order to spur us to take the gospel to the world.

Sunday: Dr. Michael Cloer gave us the charge of taking personal responsibility in the great commission that was given to all believers by the Lord Jesus. We were given some shocking statistics that over 174,000 people die every day without having heard the Gospel. That some 3.4 billion people have never and have no access to the Gospel. Do we care?

Monday: Dr. Timothy McKnight challenged us asking if we saw “those people”. You know the ones we don’t like, the ones we are angry at or fearful of? Are we the priest, the Levite, or the Samaritan? Do we move away from the uncomfortable or do we have compassion and bring salvation through Jesus Christ to them?

Tuesday: We will be hearing from some of Siloam’s mission partners from Global Impact Ministries ( and from Justin and Holly Bartelmes who are church planters in Oregon (

Wednesday: Our Pastor Troy Harrison will be sharing with the church and yours truly will be sharing with our church about our past experiences in Uganda and our future work in Uganda. Sara and I are very excited to have this time to share how God has worked in our lives. It will also be the first time we are sharing with our new church.

If you are interested in watching (and I highly recommend you too) you can watch on Siloam’s Facebook page ( or on youtube (

God is Holy. His Holiness cannot be diminished or shamed. Sin will not be tolerated and it will be punished. Jesus tells us this in John 3:18. Those who do not believe are ALREADY condemned. Salvation comes through the hearing of the Word of Christ, but how are they to hear if no one is sent (Romans 10). Paul in Romans 2 states, “that I have great sorrow and unceasing anguish in my heart.” Do we? Do you? Do we care about people enough to leave home and go to them to give them the Gospel of Life? If we cant go, will we send? Will we give? I have had people ask me why I would go or why would I take my family and go? The answer is I cannot stand before Christ and know that I could have, yet I didn’t because of comfort or because of feelings. Who am I that I would dare say no, when Christ did not say no. I may never do much for Christ, but I will never be a hypocrite and say I love Him and never go.

If you are interested in partnering with us in our Gospel work you can give here:

If you are interested in learning about where we will be working you can read more here: